In a nutshell. Gutenberg and the new WordPress add up to greater flexibility for today’s web designer.
But, this is also my personal story.
How WordPress, the 17-year-old software platform, delivered me from Angelfire.
What say? You’ve never heard of Angelfire? Though still alive, Angelfire then was exclusively a 1996 hosting service, providing swipeable sample code I used to build something called a website. Oh, those crazy last century Internet days!
With a background in political science, journalism and typewriters, I had much to learn as the digital dawn had dawned and most of us didn’t know it. Correction. Those of us without computers in the liberal arts didn’t know it.
WordPress has enabled Web Design for Everyone
So why WordPress? It’s versatile, easy-to-use, and, completely free. It’s made it easier for people to build websites, and these websites have made it easier for people to build companies, publish writing, and connect with others.
The development of Word Press is a classic case of necessity is the mother of invention. With a growing audience of non-technical designers like myself, it has morphed into a versatile content management system that can be customized.
The arrival of WordPress 5.0 and the Gutenberg Editor is one of the biggest updates to WordPress in its 17-year history. Above all, it has enabled this liberal arts Palm Beach Gardens web designer to build custom websites. No more reliance just on themes.
What is Gutenberg?
Gutenberg has revolutionized the way users build their WordPress websites. Called a “block editor,” the new style tool lets users insert any kind of multimedia into each block. This could be a paragraph, image, list, heading, or quote. Each piece of content is contained within its own block, meaning you can edit it as much as you like.
WordPress Updates: The Biggest Changes Over the Years
Want a new website built with the new WordPress and customized just for you? Tell me about it below!